Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Indonesia and kidnapping of children: Dual nationality is required for mixed couples

Citizenship bill awaits consideration of the home (2005) has been strongly criticized by discriminating against mixed couples and their children, prompting activists urged the government to give mixed couples and their offspring in a double nationality or habitual residence here.
Activists say they also provide a pair of dual citizenship or permanent residence would eliminate many of the problems due to unclear regulations in a discriminatory status for their children.
The House of Representatives in June to discuss the draft of citizenship, promising to add more flexible rules for mixed couples.
The expense of statehood would watch Law No. 62/1958, which critics say, denies mixed couples and their children have the opportunity to live a healthy family. "
Law, for example, that the automatic citizenship of children of mixed couples and their father divorced woman can not watch their children because they have a different nationality.
Men and women married to Indonesian migrants must be sponsored by their husbands to live and work in it. In many cases, the Indonesian man may withdraw his sponsorship of his wife and force her back into place, leaving behind a few of the children.
But critics say that the Citizenship Act does not improve the old legislation.
Article 2 of the Act, for example, says that the Indonesian mixed marriage, a woman can claim Indonesian citizenship only to children, pre-marital agreement.
"But the kids are already born and their parents are not prenuptial agreement?" Dewi Tjakrawinata, central coalition to which some of the older mixed 4.000 Indonesia, said during a debate in the office of the National Commission to violence against women.
She pointed out that Article 8, which requires living outside Indonesia for 15 years in succession, or 20 nonconsecutive years, has a permanent job and steady paycheck to apply for Indonesian citizenship. Existing legislation, meanwhile, only need immigrants to live in the country for five years before applying for citizenship.
The second item is a bill that dual citizenship is granted only to children born in the States the principle of ius soli, which will give citizenship to people according to where they were born.
Ramli Hutabarat, expert staff in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, however, said that dual citizenship may create more problems, especially if the owner has committed a crime.
"True, we have the rules for release. But the fact is not so easy. We have to consider the political, economic and legal aspects of the application of dual citizenship.
"This is about someone's identity. One can have a" split personality "since dual nationality," he told the forum.
Dewi rejected these arguments. "Do not do this crime, but the human rights ... the right of families to stay together. Children born in this country are active. They can choose their own identity.
"If the government does not want to offer dual citizenship, please give us a solution so that the mixed couples and their children can live in peace."

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