Minggu, 25 September 2011

Suharto tops corruption rankings ...wow

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Suharto corruption against senior
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Former President Suharto of Indonesia, topped the league in damage each time the list, the group says anti-corruption.

Reports of corruption (TI) global, use the list of private bribery, or hurt the development, and to display political corruption by Transparency International.

Suharto claimed that E is $ 15 - According to TI, a reign of 31 years $ 350 billion, abuse of power, the "hope of developing countries is compromised ..." shows you how.

Looting Zaire, Mobutu-Sese Seco is, the $ 50 billion in just behind.

, It was long distance was very high in a country with a GDP per capita average of $ 100.

It is 40% of the $ 12 billion aid to Zaire - received during the reign of 32 years - now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

"Abuse of political power in order to create a level of despair that lead to conflict and violence to prevent the most of personal needs, an important public service," founder and president of IT, Mr. Peter Eigen says.


The new deal to contribute in the fight against corruption highlight of partially hopefully when you create a report of this year, will focus on political corruption.

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